Monday, October 6, 2014

ABCDE of selling with Andy Bounds

Listen to the ABCDEF of celling with Andy Bounds on this video. These rules are simple and they look obviously appropriate. As I need to be better at selling I am interested in this and in the book that he promotes.
Some people would say that talking about the past and some testimonies can help in a sale too.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki - a must read if you want to be rich

Robert Kiyosaki is investor, businessman, and speaker with very inspirational point of view. There are several other post about him and his talks on this blog, I'll list them at the bottom of this article. You can read more about his life at Wikipedia.
His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is a definite must read for every starting businessman. His rich dad sure us something with his logic and ways of treating people and it explains many of the clashes between rich people and poor people's thinking. Read book synopsis here.

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Short but fun - secrets of success

Very short but full of fun stuff video with Richard St John.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Trick your brain to do the work John Assaraf's 90second secret to attracting anything you want Vancouver mortgage broker

Very inspirational video with this guy and his expensive house. I want such house. Another video on self improve. Learn how to make your mind see and get you a way to achieve your goals.